Heute im Zuge eine neue Sprache erlernt. American Flavoured Schwänglish. Zwei IT-ler aus dem Schwabenländle unterhielten sich über ihr IT-Projekt.
Heute im Zuge eine neue Sprache erlernt. American Flavoured Schwänglish. Zwei IT-ler aus dem Schwabenländle unterhielten sich über ihr IT-Projekt.
I used to hate diacritical marks in #Spanish, then I started learning #English and it was obvious how important they were.
How can I tell if you are saying "produce" or "produce", "content" or "content", "record" or "record"? The obvious answer is context but not having to rely on context would be even better.
When seeing Spanish words, even in a vacuum , you can immediately get their meaning because of diacritical marks, "papa" is potato, and "papá" is dad, no confusion there.